Categorie: Basics

Design outdoor temperature

The design outdoor temperature is determined using local climate data and describes the coldest two-day average that has occurred at least once every two years over a period of 18 years. The design outdoor temperature is specified for Germany to the exact postcode and...

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Nominal Diameter DN

The nominal pipe diameter DN, which is also known as the nominal connection diameter or simply the nominal diameter, indicates the approximate internal diameter of a pipe in millimetres (mm). The nominal pipe diameter is given without a unit in DN (French: diamètre...

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Temperature Difference

The temperature difference, also known as the temperature spread, indicates the difference between two temperature measuring points. An example of this is the temperature difference in a heating system between the flow and return temperatures. The temperature...

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Temperature level of a heating system

The temperature level of a heating system describes the target system temperature of the heating system at full load. Example: The heating system runs at full load at a standard outdoor temperature of -14 °C with the following system temperature: flow = 75 °C, return...

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About Me

Martin-SchlobachHi, my name is Martin and I’m a passionate engineer in the field of buildings technology. Here you can read who I am and why I write this blog.