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Categorie: Heating

HeatingHeating system provides comfort and warmth in buildings during the cold season. Since heating is a very complex system, you will find many interesting articles on heating and energy systems in this category. From hydraulic balancing, heat generation, heat distribution and heat emission to legal obligations and regulations, there have already been many and detailed articles about heating technology. I will continue to develop these, in order to offer you a comprehensive overview of heating technology. In the following the articles published so far are once again clearly listed:

Hydronic balancing

Heat generation

Heat Distribution

Force of Action

Heat Transfer

Hydronic Balancing DIY – Step 3: Data Recording

Hydronic Balancing DIY – Step 3: Data Recording

The third step in the "Hydronic Balancing DIY" series involves data recording for further calculations. To do this, we will record the radiators in the building and then determine the system temperatures. These are necessary for the subsequent calculation of the...

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Hydronic Balancing DIY – Step 2: Heating Load Calculation

Hydronic Balancing DIY – Step 2: Heating Load Calculation

[latexpage]Now that you have digested the basics of hydronic balancing in the first step, let's move on to calculating the heating load for the building and the respective rooms. Using three example calculations, I'll show you how you can calculate your heating load...

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About Me

Martin-SchlobachHi, my name is Martin and I’m a passionate engineer in the field of buildings technology. Here you can read who I am and why I write this blog.